Pet Society is an internet social game developed by Playfish. The game, which is launched within Facebook, has been ranked as the most popular Facebook application. New players custom design their pets, choosing genders, names, colours, and features (such as; ears, nose, mouth etc.) Stay with us the learn the finest tips and tricks!
PetSociety Tip 27: How to earn Pet Society coins … There are many ways to earn coins in Pet Society. Coins play a very important part in the game. You must have coins to buy your pet things, feed them, and more. Below you will find a list of ways to earn coins in Pet Society.
PetSociety Tip 14: Clothes … If you need to purchase clothes for your pet, this is the store you will want to visit. In here you can purchase pants, shirts, and other clothing items.
PetSociety Tip 53: Buying a new room … You have the option of buying a larger room for your pet. However, you can only buy this room using PlayFish Cash. It is cost you 15 cash to buy a new room. To buy a room, click the plus sign in the house toolbar. A box will open and you can click the button to buy your room. Follow the steps to complete your purchase.
PetSociety Tip 30: Visit friends … When you visit your friends, you will be asked to do things for them. Performing tasks at your friends houses will earn you a different amount of points depending on what you do.
PetSociety Tip 4: Feeding your Pet Society pet … To feed your pet, you will need to click the menu icon in your toolbar. This is the icon that looks like a menu with a fork and knife on it. Once you click it, the menu book will open. If you are just starting out, you will only have one recipe available. After you build up in the game, more recipes can be bought. You can flip through the pages to see the different recipes. To select a recipe, click the recipe of your choice. The food will then be placed in your oven and will begin cooking. You can place your mouse over the oven and you will see how long it will take to cook what you chose. You will need to return and get your food out when it is ready or else it will burn. Once your food is ready, the oven will be shiny.
PetSociety Tip 47: Helping Pet Society friends … To help your friends, you will need to select one of the options in the box that appears when you visit your friends house. Once you make your selection, whatever you selected will take place. Afterwards, you will be rewarded with paw points and coins.
PetSociety Tip 5: To get your food out of the oven, you will need to click the oven. Then click the Save button and reload your game. There are a few bugs in the game, so you must click the Save button and reload right after getting your food out of the oven. If you dont, you could lose your food. When the bugs are fixed in this part of the game, we will update and let you know. Then open your treasure chest and grab the food you cooked with your mouse and drop it onto your pet. Your pet will then eat what you cooked.
PetSociety Tip 61: Swap out your browser … If you find that the Pet Society game is loading slow you should try changing to a faster web browser. Opera or Google Chrome are two of the fastest web browsers available and they should help reduce page loading times.
PetSociety Tip 48: Send / receive Pet Society gifts … To send a gift, click the treasure box. Then select the item you want to gift and drag it to the gift box on the right. Let go of the item and a box will open. In this box, you will need to select the people you want to send the gift too. Click the green check mark and select your gift wrapping present. Click the green check mark on that box to send the gift. To receive a gift, click the link in the request section of Facebook. Click the Accept button beside the gift and your gift will be placed in your treasure chest. You can then open your treasure chest and use your gift.
PetSociety Tip 23: You have mail … Often times when you login to your game, you will have new mail. This mail could be letting you know about new updates, could be a letter from the mayor, and other things. At the top of your game, you will see a shiny envelope if you have mail. Click the envelope and your new mail will open. You can then read it and close it.
PetSociety Tip 5: To get your food out of the oven, you will need to click the oven. Then click the Save button and reload your game. There are a few bugs in the game, so you must click the Save button and reload right after getting your food out of the oven. If you dont, you could lose your food. When the bugs are fixed in this part of the game, we will update and let you know. Then open your treasure chest and grab the food you cooked with your mouse and drop it onto your pet. Your pet will then eat what you cooked.
PetSociety Tip 61: Swap out your browser … If you find that the Pet Society game is loading slow you should try changing to a faster web browser. Opera or Google Chrome are two of the fastest web browsers available and they should help reduce page loading times.
PetSociety Tip 25: Pet Society to do list … There is a To Do list that will tell you what you need to do. You can open the To Do list by clicking the Green Book in the top left corner of your game. When the box opens, you will see the things you have completed and the things you need to do. After you have viewed the list, close it and do the tasks that need to be done.
PetSociety Tip 57: Interact with your pet … Brush, clean, go fishing, go racing, and playing with your pet often allows you to earn more Pet Society money and more paw points to level up faster.
PetSociety Tip 2: Following the Pet Society tips … After you create your pet, you will be walked through different tips. These tips will explain some of the important things of the game. The tips are courtesy of the Mayor. Once you have read through the tips provided for you, you can begin your game.
PetSociety Tip 23: You have mail … Often times when you login to your game, you will have new mail. This mail could be letting you know about new updates, could be a letter from the mayor, and other things. At the top of your game, you will see a shiny envelope if you have mail. Click the envelope and your new mail will open. You can then read it and close it.
PetSociety Tip 26: Pet Society gauges … On the right side of your game, you will see three gauges. The top gauge is the health gauge. You need to keep your pet fed to keep this gauge filled. The second gauge is the happiness gauge. You keep this gauge up, you will need to play with your pet. The last gauge is the hygiene gauge. Keep your pet brushed and clean to keep this gauge up.
PetSociety Tip 26: Pet Society gauges … On the right side of your game, you will see three gauges. The top gauge is the health gauge. You need to keep your pet fed to keep this gauge filled. The second gauge is the happiness gauge. You keep this gauge up, you will need to play with your pet. The last gauge is the hygiene gauge. Keep your pet brushed and clean to keep this gauge up.
PetSociety Tip 26: Pet Society gauges … On the right side of your game, you will see three gauges. The top gauge is the health gauge. You need to keep your pet fed to keep this gauge filled. The second gauge is the happiness gauge. You keep this gauge up, you will need to play with your pet. The last gauge is the hygiene gauge. Keep your pet brushed and clean to keep this gauge up.
PetSociety Tip 36: Growing trees and other things in your garden … You can plant trees, vegetables, and other things in your garden. Once your items are ready, you can collect them and sell them to earn money.
PetSociety Tip 53: Buying a new room … You have the option of buying a larger room for your pet. However, you can only buy this room using PlayFish Cash. It is cost you 15 cash to buy a new room. To buy a room, click the plus sign in the house toolbar. A box will open and you can click the button to buy your room. Follow the steps to complete your purchase.
PetSociety Tip 26: Pet Society gauges … On the right side of your game, you will see three gauges. The top gauge is the health gauge. You need to keep your pet fed to keep this gauge filled. The second gauge is the happiness gauge. You keep this gauge up, you will need to play with your pet. The last gauge is the hygiene gauge. Keep your pet brushed and clean to keep this gauge up.
PetSociety Tip 57: Interact with your pet … Brush, clean, go fishing, go racing, and playing with your pet often allows you to earn more Pet Society money and more paw points to level up faster.
PetSociety Tip 16: DIY … In the DIY shop, you will find things like flooring, wallpaper, bathtubs, windows, and other things you can use to fix up your house.
PetSociety Tip 22: Taking photos … You can take photos of your pet and house to share with your friends. This photo will be posted on your Facebook wall. You will need to select your camera by clicking the camera icon in the bottom toolbar. A box will open and you will need to select the view you want to take the photo of. You have three choices, click the option of your choice. Then another box will open and you will need to click the check mark to take the photo and post it.
PetSociety Tip 55: Visit Pet Society neighbors often … Visiting your friends provides the opportunity to earn more Pet Society coins, paw points, and help your neighbors.
PetSociety Tip 3: Dressing your pet … Dressing your pet is a fun part of the game. However, if you are just starting out, there will not be many clothes and accessories for you to choose from. To dress your pet, you will need to click the Shirt icon in your toolbar at the bottom of your game. That will open your shop right below your game. Click an item that you want to place on your pet. If you want to take clothes off of your pet, click the item on your pet and drag it to the shop and let go of it.
PetSociety Tip 25: Pet Society to do list … There is a To Do list that will tell you what you need to do. You can open the To Do list by clicking the Green Book in the top left corner of your game. When the box opens, you will see the things you have completed and the things you need to do. After you have viewed the list, close it and do the tasks that need to be done.
PetSociety Tip 49: Sending Pet Society stickers … To send stickers to your friends, click the Sticker icon in your toolbar. When the book opens, click the sticker pack on the left side of your book. Then click the box next to the name of the friends you want to send the stickers too. Click the Send button to send the stickers to the friends you chose. Sometimes you will encounter errors when trying to send stickers. If you encounter errors, click the Cancel button and try again later.
PetSociety Tip 9: Customizing your pets room … You can customize your pets room by adding decorations. These decorations can be found in your treasure chest. Click your treasure chest to open it and you will see the decorations that are available. Grab a decoration with your mouse and drag it to the room. You can move decorations around the room by clicking them with your mouse and dragging them to where you want. To remove items from your pets home, you will first need to open the treasure chest. Then grab the item in the room and drag it back to the treasure chest.
PetSociety Tip 46: Visiting your Pet Society neighbors … At the bottom of your game, you will see the row of neighbors. To visit a neighbor, you will need to click the neighbor you want to visit. You will be asked if you want to go to that neighbors house, click the check mark to go.
PetSociety Tip 57: Interact with your pet … Brush, clean, go fishing, go racing, and playing with your pet often allows you to earn more Pet Society money and more paw points to level up faster.
PetSociety Tip 26: Pet Society gauges … On the right side of your game, you will see three gauges. The top gauge is the health gauge. You need to keep your pet fed to keep this gauge filled. The second gauge is the happiness gauge. You keep this gauge up, you will need to play with your pet. The last gauge is the hygiene gauge. Keep your pet brushed and clean to keep this gauge up.
PetSociety Tip 61: Swap out your browser … If you find that the Pet Society game is loading slow you should try changing to a faster web browser. Opera or Google Chrome are two of the fastest web browsers available and they should help reduce page loading times.
PetSociety Tip 17: Luxury … This shop offers many upscale items like clothes and furniture. This is where you go when you want to live the V.I.P. life and have the money to spend.
PetSociety Tip 8: Keeping your pet clean … It is important to keep your pet clean. If you pet begins to get dirty, you will see flies flying around it. To clean your pet, open your treasure chest. Click the soap and drag it to your pets room. Use your mouse to wash your pet. You can also double click the bar of soap and your pet will pick it up and do some of the washing.
PetSociety Tip 53: Buying a new room … You have the option of buying a larger room for your pet. However, you can only buy this room using PlayFish Cash. It is cost you 15 cash to buy a new room. To buy a room, click the plus sign in the house toolbar. A box will open and you can click the button to buy your room. Follow the steps to complete your purchase.
PetSociety Tip 9: Customizing your pets room … You can customize your pets room by adding decorations. These decorations can be found in your treasure chest. Click your treasure chest to open it and you will see the decorations that are available. Grab a decoration with your mouse and drag it to the room. You can move decorations around the room by clicking them with your mouse and dragging them to where you want. To remove items from your pets home, you will first need to open the treasure chest. Then grab the item in the room and drag it back to the treasure chest.
PetSociety Tip 38: Play with your pet … One way to earn paw points is by playing with your pet. You can play Frisbee, ball, and jump rope with your pet. These activities will earn you paw points.
PetSociety Tip 23: You have mail … Often times when you login to your game, you will have new mail. This mail could be letting you know about new updates, could be a letter from the mayor, and other things. At the top of your game, you will see a shiny envelope if you have mail. Click the envelope and your new mail will open. You can then read it and close it.
PetSociety Tip 23: You have mail … Often times when you login to your game, you will have new mail. This mail could be letting you know about new updates, could be a letter from the mayor, and other things. At the top of your game, you will see a shiny envelope if you have mail. Click the envelope and your new mail will open. You can then read it and close it.
PetSociety Tip 25: Pet Society to do list … There is a To Do list that will tell you what you need to do. You can open the To Do list by clicking the Green Book in the top left corner of your game. When the box opens, you will see the things you have completed and the things you need to do. After you have viewed the list, close it and do the tasks that need to be done.
PetSociety Tip 51: Where did my soap go? … Sometimes your soap will disappear for no reason. Dont stress.. You can get another one. All you need to do is open your treasure chest, then look for the soap that is gray. Click the gray soap icon and drag it to your room. Your soap will then reappear and you can wash your pet.
PetSociety Tip 9: Customizing your pets room … You can customize your pets room by adding decorations. These decorations can be found in your treasure chest. Click your treasure chest to open it and you will see the decorations that are available. Grab a decoration with your mouse and drag it to the room. You can move decorations around the room by clicking them with your mouse and dragging them to where you want. To remove items from your pets home, you will first need to open the treasure chest. Then grab the item in the room and drag it back to the treasure chest.
PetSociety Tip 45: Adding Pet Society neighbors … The more neighbors you have in Pet Society, the better. You will earn paw points and coins every time you visit your neighbors, so focus on building up your neighbors. To add neighbors, click the Invite button at the bottom of your game. A box will open and you will need to select the friends you want to send the request too. Select the friends by clicking them. Then click the Send button to send the request to the friends you chose.
PetSociety Tip 56: Dont annoy your neighbors … As you play Pet Society youll be prompted to post your accomplishments to your Facebook profile. This is quite annoying to your Facebook friends if you do it too often. We suggest that you only post to your Facebook profile when you attain milestone achievements while playing Pet Society; otherwise, you risk being unfriended by your Facebook friends. If you want to totally block the Pet Society game from serving pop up messages, check out our Facebook Guide. It contains detailed instructions on how to do this and how change your Facebook profile privacy settings.
PetSociety Tip 54: Switching between your rooms … You can switch between your rooms by using the rectangles in the house toolbar. In the top right corner of your game, you will see a house with rectangles and a plus sign above those. Click a rectangle to view another room. When you are ready to return to your main room, click another rectangle in the toolbar.
PetSociety Tip 9: Customizing your pets room … You can customize your pets room by adding decorations. These decorations can be found in your treasure chest. Click your treasure chest to open it and you will see the decorations that are available. Grab a decoration with your mouse and drag it to the room. You can move decorations around the room by clicking them with your mouse and dragging them to where you want. To remove items from your pets home, you will first need to open the treasure chest. Then grab the item in the room and drag it back to the treasure chest.
PetSociety Tip 53: Buying a new room … You have the option of buying a larger room for your pet. However, you can only buy this room using PlayFish Cash. It is cost you 15 cash to buy a new room. To buy a room, click the plus sign in the house toolbar. A box will open and you can click the button to buy your room. Follow the steps to complete your purchase.
PetSociety Tip 22: Taking photos … You can take photos of your pet and house to share with your friends. This photo will be posted on your Facebook wall. You will need to select your camera by clicking the camera icon in the bottom toolbar. A box will open and you will need to select the view you want to take the photo of. You have three choices, click the option of your choice. Then another box will open and you will need to click the check mark to take the photo and post it.
PetSociety Tip 10: PlayFish cash … PlayFish Cash is used to purchase different things in the game. At this time, there is no way to earn Play Fish Cash. You can only purchase it. To purchase the cash, click the Add PlayFish Cash button at the top of your game. Then select your option of payment and follow the steps to purchase your cash.
PetSociety Tip 16: DIY … In the DIY shop, you will find things like flooring, wallpaper, bathtubs, windows, and other things you can use to fix up your house.
PetSociety Tip 9: Customizing your pets room … You can customize your pets room by adding decorations. These decorations can be found in your treasure chest. Click your treasure chest to open it and you will see the decorations that are available. Grab a decoration with your mouse and drag it to the room. You can move decorations around the room by clicking them with your mouse and dragging them to where you want. To remove items from your pets home, you will first need to open the treasure chest. Then grab the item in the room and drag it back to the treasure chest.
PetSociety Tip 55: Visit Pet Society neighbors often … Visiting your friends provides the opportunity to earn more Pet Society coins, paw points, and help your neighbors.
PetSociety Tip 43: Buying items … Purchasing items from the shops will earn you paw points. The amount of points you earn will depend on the item you buy.
PetSociety Tip 56: Dont annoy your neighbors … As you play Pet Society youll be prompted to post your accomplishments to your Facebook profile. This is quite annoying to your Facebook friends if you do it too often. We suggest that you only post to your Facebook profile when you attain milestone achievements while playing Pet Society; otherwise, you risk being unfriended by your Facebook friends. If you want to totally block the Pet Society game from serving pop up messages, check out our Facebook Guide. It contains detailed instructions on how to do this and how change your Facebook profile privacy settings.
PetSociety Tip 54: Switching between your rooms … You can switch between your rooms by using the rectangles in the house toolbar. In the top right corner of your game, you will see a house with rectangles and a plus sign above those. Click a rectangle to view another room. When you are ready to return to your main room, click another rectangle in the toolbar.
PetSociety Tip 59: Help your Pet Society friends … Its important to help your Pet Society neighbors by sending them gifts as it is beneficial for all Pet Society players. That is you can earn paw points when you help them and giving gifts encourages your friends to reciprocate the act of giving back.
PetSociety Tip 56: Dont annoy your neighbors … As you play Pet Society youll be prompted to post your accomplishments to your Facebook profile. This is quite annoying to your Facebook friends if you do it too often. We suggest that you only post to your Facebook profile when you attain milestone achievements while playing Pet Society; otherwise, you risk being unfriended by your Facebook friends. If you want to totally block the Pet Society game from serving pop up messages, check out our Facebook Guide. It contains detailed instructions on how to do this and how change your Facebook profile privacy settings.
PetSociety Tip 38: Play with your pet … One way to earn paw points is by playing with your pet. You can play Frisbee, ball, and jump rope with your pet. These activities will earn you paw points.
PetSociety Tip 4: Feeding your Pet Society pet … To feed your pet, you will need to click the menu icon in your toolbar. This is the icon that looks like a menu with a fork and knife on it. Once you click it, the menu book will open. If you are just starting out, you will only have one recipe available. After you build up in the game, more recipes can be bought. You can flip through the pages to see the different recipes. To select a recipe, click the recipe of your choice. The food will then be placed in your oven and will begin cooking. You can place your mouse over the oven and you will see how long it will take to cook what you chose. You will need to return and get your food out when it is ready or else it will burn. Once your food is ready, the oven will be shiny.
PetSociety Tip 5: To get your food out of the oven, you will need to click the oven. Then click the Save button and reload your game. There are a few bugs in the game, so you must click the Save button and reload right after getting your food out of the oven. If you dont, you could lose your food. When the bugs are fixed in this part of the game, we will update and let you know. Then open your treasure chest and grab the food you cooked with your mouse and drop it onto your pet. Your pet will then eat what you cooked.
PetSociety Tip 59: Help your Pet Society friends … Its important to help your Pet Society neighbors by sending them gifts as it is beneficial for all Pet Society players. That is you can earn paw points when you help them and giving gifts encourages your friends to reciprocate the act of giving back.
PetSociety Tip 5: To get your food out of the oven, you will need to click the oven. Then click the Save button and reload your game. There are a few bugs in the game, so you must click the Save button and reload right after getting your food out of the oven. If you dont, you could lose your food. When the bugs are fixed in this part of the game, we will update and let you know. Then open your treasure chest and grab the food you cooked with your mouse and drop it onto your pet. Your pet will then eat what you cooked.
PetSociety Tip 27: How to earn Pet Society coins … There are many ways to earn coins in Pet Society. Coins play a very important part in the game. You must have coins to buy your pet things, feed them, and more. Below you will find a list of ways to earn coins in Pet Society.
PetSociety Tip 7: Giving your pet attention … You must show your pet attention to keep it happy. To keep your pet happy, you will need to play with it and brush it,. To brush your pet, open your treasure chest. Once the treasure chest is open, click the brush and drag it to your game window. You can double click the brush and your pet will brush itself or you can grab the brush with your mouse and run it over your pet to brush it. You can quit brushing once your hygiene bar is full on the right side of your game. The hygiene bar is the blue bar. To play with your pet, you will need to open the treasure chest again and grab the ball with your mouse and place it on your pet. Your pet will pick the ball up and play with it. You will have to click the ball before it hits the floor to make your pet happy.
PetSociety Tip 29: Fill out surveys … You can click the Earn Free Coins button at the top of your game to see surveys. Filling out these surveys will also earn you money.
PetSociety Tip 44: Visiting your friends … Visiting your friends will also earn you points. Simply making a visit to your friends will reward you with points.